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Last Christmas we were blown away by the generosity of people across eighteen different workplaces, community groups and schools, who rallied together to buy gifts for kids in out-of-home care.

Each group set up a Christmas Giving page via Berry Street’s Gifts from the Heart. Some workplaces donated a gift instead of sharing Kris Kringle, while other pages were set up to encourage customers or clients to donate gifts.

In total, 400 gifts for children in care were donated through these pages! An incredible outpouring of compassion from people all over Victoria.

Kew East Primary donated 79 gifts

At Kew East Primary School, 37 families bought 79 gifts in the school’s first Berry Street Christmas Giving Tree. Throughout December, students’ names were added to a tree poster to celebrate the generosity of the school.

One young student summarised why this fundraiser was important to them: “Some kids aren’t with their families over Christmas, so they probably don’t get much stuff. They are probably sad at Christmas because they are away from their families.”

Children and parents together chose the gifts they were going to donate to kids in care, from baby blankets to bathers, from soft toys or adventure vouchers to pyjamas and books.

The Berry Street Christmas Giving Tree was an opportunity to help students understand the needs of children in care

It felt like a really tangible way to donate. It felt like we were making a direct difference.

Natalie Mother of student

Thank you to all who created a Christmas Giving page and all who donated or shared the donate link. You helped spread cheer and kindness at Christmas.

This quote from one kind donor sums it up: “Christmas is an exciting time for children, and all children deserve to have a special Christmas. Even a small gift can add a sparkle to child’s day.”

Thank you to all the workplaces, organisations, schools and groups who donated 400 gifts for kids in care last Christmas

101 Collins
Australian Defence Force Victoria Barracks
Home Road Kindergarten
Kew East Primary School
Life Education Victoria
Malvern Physiotherapy
McLean Delmo Bentleys
Premium Health
Richmond Traders
Scania Finance
Spring Place
The Centre for Healing
Victorian Gardens Shopping Centre

Do you have a special event coming up?

Anything from a birthday, anniversary, graduation or housewarming. If you’d like to give back as part of your celebration, set up your own Gifts from the Heart fundraiser today.