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The journey to becoming a foster carer doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s a meaningful process that prepares you to provide Victorian children and young people with the support they need.

Our comprehensive 10-step guide is designed to walk you through everything you need to know about becoming a foster carer with Berry Street.

From your initial enquiry to accreditation, the journey typically spans around six months. While this might seem lengthy, it's essential for ensuring that foster caring is the right fit for you and for ensuring that children and young people who can't safely reside at home receive the support they urgently need.

1. Make a foster care enquiry

Check your suburb or postcode is within Berry Street’s service area and submit an online foster carer enquiry.

2. Initial chat with our friendly team

Once you submit an enquiry, you’ll receive an email from us that includes a link to book an initial chat (30 mins) with our friendly foster care recruitment team, so we can answer all your foster care questions.

3. Watch our foster care videos

After our initial chat, we’ll provide additional information to help answer any questions you may have. We’ll also invite you to book a detailed conversation with us when you are ready to take the next step.

4. Detailed conversation with our team

The detailed conversation is an in-depth conversation (60 mins) where we’ll get to know more about you, your family, and your motivations for becoming a foster carer. We’ll also share information about the process of becoming an accredited foster carer.

5. Complete an application to become a Berry Street foster carer

After the detailed conversation, if it’s the right time for you we’ll invite you to formally apply to become a Berry Street foster carer by completing the application forms.

6. Compliance checks

Once we receive your completed application, our foster care recruitment team will work with you to complete your initial compliance checks – including a Police Check, Working with Children Check (WWCC) and a Carer Register Check.

7. Training for prospective foster parents

Prospective foster carers complete Shared Lives training. This online training is done in two parts and takes approximately 3-4 months:

  • Part 1: Pre-Accreditation training
  • Part 2: Post-Accreditation training

Once we receive your completed application and compliance checks, we’ll book you in for Part 1: Pre-Accreditation training.

8. Assessment to become accredited foster carer

After finishing your Part 1: Pre-Accreditation training, you’ll start your formal assessment with a local accredited foster care assessor. This assessment includes home visits for safety checks and interviews with all household members. Our assessors collaborate with you to determine if foster care is a suitable option for you, your family, and us.

9. Foster care accreditation

Your assessor will compile a report for the foster care panel, consisting of Berry Street staff and a Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) representative. This panel will recommend the most suitable care and child needs for you.

10. Welcome to the Berry Street team!

Congratulations – we’re delighted you’ll be partnering with us to support children and young people on their journey.

We’ll introduce you to our supportive community of carers, familiarise you further with Berry Street’s work and our values, help you enrol and complete Part 2: Post Accreditation training and ensure you’re ready to welcome your first child or young person into your home.

Download our Foster Care Information Pack to learn more about what’s involved in becoming a Berry Street foster carer.

Become a foster carer and support a local child

Childhood is a journey. Partner with Berry Street to support a child or young person on theirs.

As a Berry Street foster carer, you’ll be a part of a team that is committed to supporting children and young people who cannot live safely at home. By providing a safe and nurturing place to live – you'll be there for them at a crucial moment in their life.

Berry Street’s expert team is here to support you along the way, so, feel free to reach out at any time! Call 1800 816 037 or email