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Stacey experienced firsthand the positive outcomes that can result from the 10-month program, Saver Plus.

Stacey has been a keen dancer since the age of 7, and once she completed studying, moved to Ballarat to continue her passion for dance. Stacey was desperately trying to manage rent, dance lessons and a social life with no income coming in to support her. Eventually her financial situation saw her move back home.

Stacey joined the Saver Plus program and began to learn valuable lessons on saving. Stacey found a job at her local gym. An income combined with the MoneyMinded workshops and savings plan allowed Stacey to pay off a $20,000 loan in 2 years. Stacey is now setting her sights on saving for her own home, and has the confidence to do so.

ANZ Australia’s Saver Plus is Australia’s largest and longest running matched savings and financial education program, which assists individuals and families on lower incomes to develop long-term saving habits. Berry Street works across 9 Victorian communities in the delivery of Saver Plus.

Saver Plus is an initiative of the Brotherhood of St Laurence and ANZ, delivered in partnership with Berry Street and The Smith Family, and other local community agencies. The program is funded by ANZ and the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

How to apply

Fill in the online enquiry form or contact Saver Plus on 1300 610 355 for more information.

Read more about Saver Plus