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Berry Street is proud to be delivering a new parent-training program to support Victorian families.

SafeCare is an evidence-based training program for parents of children aged 0-5 who are at-risk or have been reported for child neglect or physical abuse.

“SafeCare provides strategies to support families to develop practical parenting skills aimed at keeping families together, safe and thriving,” says Tom Bowerman, Director of Innovation.

"By embedding SafeCare within Berry Street’s core program delivery, we are demonstrating our commitment to investing in effective early intervention and prevention programs.”

Berry Street commenced preparations to deliver SafeCare earlier this year by working with the National SafeCare Research and Training Centre based in Atlanta, Georgia. Research from the United States has shown that SafeCare significantly lowered reports of child abuse and neglect in families where children are considered at risk of maltreatment.

Berry Street to start delivering evidence-based parenting program

In September, the first cohort of Berry Street staff commenced their training to become SafeCare Providers. These staff members, who are already delivering Berry Street services to families in our community, will start delivering SafeCare in the coming weeks.

Providers work with families one-on-one in their own homes to improve parents’ skills in three areas – parent-child interaction, child health care and home safety.

All providers are equipped with a SafeCare Kit to help teach parents specific behavioural skills in a simple, structured and demonstrative manner. The kit includes:

  • Home safety kit to assist parents in child proofing their home
  • First aid kit and digital thermometer to help teach parents how to care for a sick child at home.

Find out more about the SafeCare program and other parenting and family services we provide to Victorian families.

The SafeCare Kit includes a Home Safety Kit and Family First Aid Kit