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Intensive Case Management Services (ICMS) provides support to young people with high needs. ICMS often work in areas of high socio-economic disadvantage, with intergenerational cycles of poverty, violence and significant trauma impacting many of the young people they work with.

Young people can often enter ICMS in a state of crisis, and case managers apply a range of skills to build a relationship with, advocate for and provide the right support for the young person. This might involve helping the young person maintain relationships, facilitating contact with their networks, helping in their interactions with the justice system, engaging with legal services, and supporting them to understand and navigate other systems and processes.

ICMS seeks to empower young people away from their trauma — towards a sense of safety, and a feeling of support. To feel engaged in the social world they are part of, and to begin to trust in connectedness. They support young people towards their early adulthood, helping them work towards feeling that they are able to pursue a better life.

Positive outcomes for Zac

Zac*, who’s just turned 15, is a vibrant, energetic and engaging young person with a wicked sense of humour. However, he has also experienced significant trauma, and navigates life with intellectual disability and a complex family situation. As a result, Zac can sometimes have violent outbursts and act towards others in a way that can make relationships difficult. It can also make it challenging to get Zac the right ongoing care and support.

ICMS has been working intensively with Zac to break through some of the constraints and barriers he is experiencing. They have coordinated support across several areas — from life skills and independence to education, social and medical needs — while ensuring that support considers ability, disability and complex trauma. NDIS planning, child protection and behavioural support have also been considered.

While COVID-19 has caused things to be a bit more challenging for Zac lately, he has still made some great strides since being involved with ICMS. He’s now been in the same residential care home for almost a year, which is a big success and gives him more stability and the opportunity to develop connections and trust with the staff.

At school, he is more engaged than before, expressing that he wants to go to school and wants to learn. Finally, he’s also re-engaged with his family, recently seeing his dad for the first time in 10 years.

Learn more about ICMS