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We are proud to continue our partnership with Robert Tucker, Honorary Associate of Berry Street, and Director of RGT Training & Consultancy based in the UK. Robert is an internationally renowned specialist working with children, young people and families where there are concerns about sexual abuse and inappropriate or harmful sexual behaviours.

For a full list of Robert’s sessions click here.


Working with children and young people with inappropriate or harmful sexual behaviours often creates a dilemma between meeting their needs and managing risk. It is common for such young people to be subject to enhanced supervision and impositions on who they can be with, where they can go. However, such restrictions need to be kept under review as not allowing a child or young person to interact freely with other young people and not allowing them access to social media could have a significant effect on their emotional, social and sexual development, which could increase rather than reduce potential risk.

This webinar seeks to consider practical ways in which practitioners can balance risk and need.

Learning outcomes

  • to consider practical strategies to help carers and professionals manage risk in a helpful way
  • to help practitioners balance risk and need
  • to help practitioners make more informed decisions about how to manage situational and emotional triggers
  • to consider ways to monitor and manage risk whilst supporting their development and enhancing future independence.

Dates & time

Part I: Tuesday 12 November, 8am - 11am
Part II: Tuesday 13 November, 8am -11am


$460 (incl. GST)

Payment terms & conditions

Payment must be made by credit card at the time of registration (VISA and Mastercard will be accepted). Your registration will not be confirmed unless payment has been processed.

A confirmation/tax invoice will be issued upon registration to your nominated email address.

A full refund will be issued for cancellations up until 3 working days prior to the webinar. No refunds will be issued after this date however substitutions are welcome.

Should Berry Street cancel a webinar for any reason, those registered at this time will be entitled to a full refund of registration fees.

Please note: For privacy reasons webinars will not be recorded nor can they be recorded by an attendee.

Rob is a delightful, entertaining and informative presenter. I particularly love the way he is able to convey complex ideas and concepts in a simple and common-sense format.

Past participant
Social Work Consultant Robert Tucker

Robert Tucker

Bachelor of Science | Diploma in Applied Social Studies (Social Work) | CQSW